Tuesday, January 25, 2011

three months

So Wednesday marked three months of unemployment. It was ALSO my first day at my (temp) job! How appropriate. Let me back up, for an official professional update.

In the three months I've been back, I've been slowly exploring job opportunities and applied for a couple along the way. One, we'll call XYZZ, turned me down, and the other, after a week long "trial", wasn't quite what I was hoping for so I withdrew my candidacy. THEN I was in a little funk, feeling like I had some great momentum going which ultimately led to feelings of failure, confusion, and misdirection. Just as I was getting back on the saddle, scheduling more informational interviews and researching various companies/ organizations, XYZZ called me asking if I was interested in a 3-4 days a week, 3 month temp assignment. In my eyes this was perfect: structure, human interaction (sorry, Desmond), and still time to continue the job search! Very pleased. First few days at XYZZ were great! Working part time rocks. If only I could get an extremely high paying part time job...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

you're an embarrassment, paul lepage

Remember when everyone drew conclusions about Alaska when Sarah Palin rose to stardom? When after implementation of extremely harsh immigration laws people started to assume that if you're from Arizona, you're probably racist? When the entire world was shocked and confused about the fact that The Terminator was now running California? Welllll, I'm kind of concerned now that everyone out there is going to think Mainers are ignorant (read: hicks), outspoken racists after Governor Paul LePage's invitation to the NAACP to kiss his butt.

After living in DC for 6 years, a city which brings people from allllll over, it became apparent that to others, Maine is both slightly mysterious but also carries some strong associations. I fear that our crazy governor will now be one of those associations. It is simply IRRESPONSIBLE and UNPROFESSIONAL for a GOVERNOR to make such an offensive and impulsive statement while acting as a face of Maine. Even if YOU, Paul LePage, thinks the NAACP, the largest and most widely recognized civil rights organization which is over 100 years old and largely responsible for civil rights victories such as Brown v. Board of Education, should kiss your butt, you have NO RIGHT to speak on behalf of the state of Maine with such an immature and uneducated tone. Please, think of the 1,318,300 other people you represent before you open your mouth next time.

What Colbert had to say about it:

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sugarloaf 1/16/11

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

current day

So the first couple days of 2011 were full of joy and love since Tyler was here, but I'd be lying if I said I'm in an awesome place right now. After three rounds of interviews with two potential employers, I'm now just waaaaaiiiittttttiiiiinnnnngggggg. I'm not motivated enough to apply for new jobs but all this waiting is making me feel unproductive and antsy. WHINE WHINE WHINE WHINEEEEEEEEEEEEE. After expressing these feelings to my parents, they gave me a bunch of things to do for them, like fixing our broken swivel chair and getting a necklace my mom doesn't want appraised. That should keep me busy for a day.

In brighter news, I'm officially insured again! Temporary out of work and insured under my mother's insurance, what an awful thing. GOP, please don't repeal Obamacare. Thanks.

december 2010/ early january 2011

I did some fun things! Including: got incredible tickets to a Celtics game through Karina's organization, Samaritans, which partners with lots of the Boston sports teams. I hadn't been to a game since I was a small child, so it was kind of a new experience for me. What a spectacle! So much dancing, glitter, etc. We made it on the jumbotron twice!!

Met up with Alex and Trevor in Boston and went iceskating. They're both making serious moves in life and I'm so proud! I love you guys!

Giggled my way through this month because Desmond took a real liking to this little elf who was at one point a tree ornament. Not sure if it had a smell he liked or what, but he couldn't get enough!

Had a wonderful Christmas with the fam. Lots of fun presents! One of the most notable, a belt Oscar had made especially for me:

Made our annual gingerbread houses with Bri, Micaela and Leigh. We had a little trouble building the foundation and I had a really hard time finding my artistic vision, but it turned out really beautiful, I think. I did the stained glass window!

Found a puppy running around a busy street during a blizzard and brought him home. Reported him to the police, animal shelters, etc., but for some reason it took his owners two days to get it together to look for their dog (?!). So I got to pretend I had a puppy for two days. He slept in my bed and it made me so happy.

Had a great last night of 2010 with a little dinner party at my house with some of my oldest friends. Somehow we went the entire night with no pictures... right? Anyone? It was kind of like this:

Picked up Tyler Brown at the bus stop on New Year's Day and drove up to Sugarloaf. Skied some weird conditions (almost like spring skiing, minus the sun and any visibility) but had a blast. Tyler was my first visitor since I moved back to Maine! And he's coming back next month! I can't wait!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

just a few things

1. I downloaded Tetris on my phone when I bought it a month ago. I really LOVED that game growing up, so was elated to find I could play it on my phone. I'd say it's probably the source of most of my wasted time. Anyway, I set a new high score today and am now ranked #1660. I still have a ways to go, but imagine how many people have downloaded and play Tetris! In the grand scheme of things, 1660 isn't bad. I was quite pleased with myself.
2. If you're ever thinking of becoming a crack addict, see "The Fighter". Also if you're just looking for a good film with some genuine Boston accents. I enjoyed it.
3. I cried again during "What Not to Wear".

Monday, December 20, 2010

for your viewing pleasure

It was brought to my attention that not everyone had heard the Trick Daddy (also featuring Lil' Kim and some vintage Cee Lo Green) 2005 remix of the Talking Heads' 1975 song "Sugar on my Tongue". I just wanted to share this with the world:

And the original: